CY7C0430CV-133BGI Code Extract, cypress MCU decryption, cypress chip crack, cypress PCB clone .
The Quadport Datapath Switching Element (DSE) family offers
four ports that may be clocked at independent frequencies
from one another. Each port can read or write up to 133 MHz
giving the device up to 10 Gb/s of data throughput. The device
is 1-Mb (64K × 18) in density. Simultaneous reads are allowed
for accesses to the same address location; however, simultaneous reading and writing to the same address is not allowed.
Any port can write to a certain location while other ports are
reading that location simultaneously, if the timing spec for port
to port delay (tCCS) is met. The result of writing to the same
location by more than one port at the same time is undefined.
Data is registered for decreased cycle time. Clock to data valid
= 4.2 ns. Each port contains a burst counter on the input
address register. After externally loading the counter with the
initial address the counter will self-increment the address internally (more details to follow). The internal write pulse width is
independent of the duration of the R/W input signal. The
internal write pulse is self-timed to allow the shortest possible
cycle times.
or LOW on CE1
for one clock cycle will power
down the internal circuitry to reduce the static power
consumption. One cycle is required with chip enables asserted
to reactivate the outputs.
The CY7C0430CV (64K × 18 device) supports burst contains
for simple array partitioning. Counter enable inputs are
provided to stall the operation of the address input and utilize
the internal address generated by the internal counter for fast
interleaved memory applications. A port’s burst counter is
loaded with an external address when the port’s Counter Load
pin (CNTLD) is asserted LOW. When the port’s Counter
Increment pin (CNTINC) is asserted, the address counter will
increment on each subsequent LOW-to- HIGH transition of
that port’s clock signal. This will read/write one word from/into
each successive address location until CNTINC is deasserted.
The counter can address the entire switch array and will loop
back to the start. Counter Reset (CNTRST) is used to reset the
burst counter. A counter-mask register is used to control the
counter wrap. The counter and mask register operations are
described in more details in the following sections.
The counter or mask register values can be read back on the
bidirectional address lines by activating MKRD or CNTRD,
The new features included for the QuadPort DSE family
include: readback of burst-counter internal address value on
address lines, counter-mask registers to control the counter
wrap-around, readback of mask register value on address
lines, interrupt flags for message passing, BIST, JTAG for
boundary scan, and asynchronous Master Reset.